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TurkStat- Monaco has the highest proportion of elderly population in the world

TurkStat- Monaco has the highest proportion of elderly population in the world
9 Temmuz 2024 12:06

When we look at the United Nations population estimates, we see a global picture. Monaco leads with 35.8 percent of its population being 65 years and over, followed by Japan with 30.1 percent and Italy with 24.5 percent. On the other end, Qatar has the lowest proportion of youth population at 1.6 percent, followed by Uganda with 1.7 percent and Zambia with 1.8 percent.
The world average for the proportion of the elderly population was 10.0 percent in 2023. The proportion of Türkiye's elderly population, 10.2 percent, was just above the world average.

According to the United Nations population estimates, when the youth population of 27 EU member countries was analyzed in 2023, the countries with the highest proportion of elderly population were Italy, with 24.5 percent, Finland, with 23.6 percent, and Portugal, with 23.3 percent, respectively. The countries with the lowest elderly population were the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus, which had 15.2 percent, Luxembourg, 15.4 percent, and Ireland, 15.5 percent, respectively.
The proportion of Türkiye's elderly population, 10.2 percent, was lower than that of the 27 EU member countries.


According to the United Nations population estimates, when countries analyzed the total fertility rate, the country with the highest total fertility rate was Niger, with 6.67 children in 2023. That country was followed by Chad with 6.12 children and Somalia with 6.10 children. The country with the lowest total fertility rate was the Republic of Korea, with 0.88 children. That country was followed by Singapore with 1.04 children and Andorra and San Marino with 1.15 children.
The world average total fertility rate was 2.31 children in 2023. The total fertility rate in Türkiye was 1.51 children below the world average.

According to the United Nations world population estimates when the total fertility rates of 27 EU member countries were analyzed, the country with the highest total fertility rate in 2023 was France with 1.79 children. That country was followed by Ireland with 1.76 children and Romania with 1.74 children. The country with the lowest total fertility rate was Malta with 1.22 children. That country was followed by Spain with 1.29 children and Italy with 1.30 children.
It was seen that Türkiye, where total fertility rate was 1.51 children in 2023, was below the average of 27 EU member countries.

Hibya Haber Ajansı


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