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TurkStat – Consumer confidence index increased by 0,1 percent to 80.51 in May

TurkStat – Consumer confidence index increased by 0,1 percent to 80.51 in May
23 Mayıs 2024 11:03

The consumer confidence index can take a value between 0 and 200. It indicates an optimistic outlook when the index is above 100, but it indicates a pessimistic outlook when it is below 100.


While the expectation for the financial situation of the household in the current period increased by 0.4 percent from 65.0 to 65.3, the expectation for the financial situation of the household in the next 12 months decreased by 0.01 percent from 82.9 to 82.8 and the expectation for the general economic situation in the next 12 months increased by 0.2 percent from 78.1 to 78.3.

In the same period, the expectation to spend on durable consumer goods decreased by 0.3 per cent from 95.8 to 95.6.

Hibya Haber Ajansı


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