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Trump rally attacker reportedly killed by Secret Service sniper

Trump rally attacker reportedly killed by Secret Service sniper
14 Temmuz 2024 12:04

A suspected gunman who opened fire during a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday was fatally shot by a Secret Service sniper, officials said. One rally attendee was killed, and two others were seriously wounded, the Secret Service said in a statement Saturday night.

Two sources said the gunman was outside the cordoned-off rally site, about 200 to 300 meters from the rally, and was located on a tall structure believed to be a shed. According to the sources, the attacker was armed with an AR-style rifle.


Several gunshots were heard as Trump spoke on stage at around 18:15 local time. The video shows the former president immediately touching his ear and then collapsing as Secret Service agents rush to the stage. Some blood was visible on his face as he stood up and raised his fist towards the crowd. He was rushed to his motorcade, and the Secret Service later confirmed he was safe.

Two law enforcement sources told CBS News that the suspect was shot and killed by a member of the Secret Service counterattack team.

Hibya Haber Ajansı


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