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Traditional jurisprudence and vision for the future

Traditional jurisprudence and vision for the future
18 Nisan 2024 18:21

In 2024, Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi will celebrate 90 years. This university was founded in 1934 and is now one of the main higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan.

KazNU named after AL-FARABI took 150th place in the QS World University Rankings.


KazNU took 16th place in the QS World University Rankings (QS World University Rankings EECA 2020) for Eastern European and Central Asian countries.

KazNU named after Al-Farabi was the first university in Central Asia to take 201-251 place out of 550 universities in the QS Graduate Employability Rankings.

According to the research results of the British "Times Higher Education" agency, KazNU retained the 1001-1200 position, took the 401-500th place in the Asia University Rankings, the 351st-400th place in THE Emerging Economies rankings, and the 801st-1000th place in the Impact Rankings.

In the global ranking of the most environmentally friendly universities "UI Green Metric Ranking of World Universities", the university took 212th place.

KAZUU received the QS Stars "5 Star" priority mark.

According to the results of an independent evaluation conducted by the prestigious international rating agency Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi received high marks and received the highest award of "Five stars" in the international rating of "QS Stars Rating System". KazNU is the first and only higher education institution in the Central Asian region to receive the "Five Stars" award.

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the legal department in 2025. The history of the Faculty of Law is very rich, many departments have opened, thanks to the merger of different departments, 4 main departments are currently serving.

The department of civil law, civil procedure and labor law combines the best traditions of the ancient departments of the university, which played an important role in the development of legal education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The history of the department begins in 1938, when the Department of Soviet Civil Law, Labor Law and Civil Procedure was first established as part of the Almaty State Law Institute.

For many years, legal scholars have worked fruitfully in the department, and this tradition continues to this day (  ).

The department of "Civil law, civil procedure and labor law" plays a key role in the formation of future lawyers and specialists who can successfully navigate the complex system of legal norms and the constantly changing socio-economic environment. The department is proud of an outstanding teaching staff consisting of experienced professors, candidates of science, PhD doctors and experienced lawyers. Their professional experience enriches the educational process and adapts to the modern requirements of the labor market with practical legal experience ( ).

The department actively cooperates with the notary chamber of Almaty city, the bar association, courts and leading law firms, allowing students to apply their knowledge in practice. Contributes to the formation of professional skills and preparation of future specialists for real tests in the legal field. Representatives of these institutions not only accept our students for industrial experience, but also give lectures to students covering practical issues, thereby awakening the real interest of students.

The department encourages the research work of students and teachers. Civil law, civil procedure and labor law contribute to innovations in the department's fields, and also contribute to the development of scientific knowledge in the field of jurisprudence. Along with students, graduate students and doctoral students are graduates of this department.

Head of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, Labor Law, Professor Suleymenova S.Zh. Author of more than 200 scientific works.

The teaching staff of the department actively participates in various competitions, scientific researches and conferences, participates in raising the level of scientific and teaching staff, as well as strengthening the authority of the department in the scientific environment. The future of legal practice is closely linked to the development of digital technology. The department strives to introduce new technologies into the educational process, providing students with the necessary skills to work with digital tools and understand their impact on the legal system.

In the era of rapid technological changes and the expansion of the use of artificial intelligence (AI), the issues of ethical and legal regulation of it are considered relevant. Each region of the world is seeking to adapt its approach to AI regulation according to its own characteristics and needs. Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an essential element of modern society, affecting the economy, education, healthcare, business and many other fields.

In this regard, there is a need to develop effective methods of legal regulation to ensure safe and fair use of this technology. In this regard, the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, Labor Law of KazNU named after Al-Farabi is working directly in partnership with many foreign universities.

The department actively develops international exchange programs, providing students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in various legal systems and cultures, which contributes to the formation of a global view of their professional future. From 2019 to the present, the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, Labor Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Wismar University – University of Applied Sciences, Technologies, Business and Design (Wismar, Germany) 7М04218 – Law (German and international commercial law ) prepares for the educational program of the double diploma of the master's degree.

Myrzataev Nurmukhamed Dauletkeldiuly, PhD, deputy head of the department of civil law and procedure, labor law for scientific and innovative work and international relations. Lawyer, senior lecturer who worked in practice and experience, author of more than 150 scientific works.

Climate change, gender equality, quality education, etc. taking into account such modern changes, the department introduces sustainable development goals into the educational process. It helps students understand the impact of legal decisions on social justice and the environment. The department of civil law and civil procedure, labor law, based on its traditions, strives for sustainable development, adapting to modern activities. Its task is to form highly qualified specialists who can effectively solve the complex tasks of the modern legal field and contribute to the development of legal science and practice.

Hibya Haber Ajansı


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