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Total solar eclipse in North America

Total solar eclipse in North America
9 Nisan 2024 11:11

In a few minutes, the day was plunged into darkness in a strip criss-crossing North America, stretching from Mexico's Pacific coast to 15 states in the United States and finally to the Atlantic Ocean in Newfoundland on Canada's east coast.

In many places, meticulous preparations for the event have been underway for a long time. While the crowds of visitors are boosting the economy, towns large and small are facing logistical challenges. In many places, hotel rooms have been fully booked for months.


Tens of millions of people live in the roughly 29 km wide band where the total solar eclipse will be visible, and about a few hundred million people are not far away.

This event is expected to be one of the most filmed and photographed events in the world this year, but to get the best shots you need to be in the right area and make sure it's not covered by clouds for the few minutes when it will happen.

Hibya Haber Ajansı


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