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Thousands of people protested the Israeli government

Thousands of people protested the Israeli government
10 Mart 2024 10:55

According to reports in the Israeli press, the biggest demonstration took place on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, where a large crowd gathered. Protesters demanded an immediate ceasefire and expressed frustration with the government's failure to bring back people trapped or held captive in Gaza.

While one of the main roads called Ayalon was closed, the police used water pressurized, horses and batons to disperse the crowd.


Since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 and the start of the war in Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's popularity has waned among the public. Before this, there were major protests in the country following a bill that would reform the legal system, which would give many parliaments more power at the expense of the country's courts.

Hibya Haber Ajansı


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